The Cycling Museum of Minnesota is a work in progress. We are a volunteer-driven, 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Our goal is to be a physical presence for the rich and varied history of cycling in Minnesota and beyond. We are open for scheduled events and appointments only.
In early 2013, Brent Fuqua and Seth Stattmiller, bike shop retailers, opened Recovery Bike Shop at 2504 Central Ave. in Northeast Minneapolis. The bike shop was not using 3,800 square feet of second floor space, and the owners had the inspiration to create a bike museum there.
Later that year, Juston Anderson, an avid bicycle collector and Captain of the Minnesota Wheelmen, showed a number of his antique bicycles at an exhibit at the Minnesota State Fair. The State Fair event was a success, Juston met with Brent and Seth, and they agreed to display a portion of Juston’s collection at Recovery.
On January 29, 2014, Juston, Brent, and Seth invited members of the local museum community along with members of the local cycling community to meet and advise them on how to proceed in creating a permanent, non-profit museum. On February 12, a small group met to create a new mission and vision for the nascent museum and arrived at the following statements:
Mission: The Cycling Museum of Minnesota celebrates how cycling has shaped our culture and communities and provides us with tools to transform the future.
Vision: Through the work of the Cycling Museum of Minnesota, our community will better understand the foundational and central role of cycling and cyclists in our past, present and future development.
From February through June of 2014 an ad hoc Steering Committee made up of the original three founders plus members of the museum and cycling community guided the organization towards formalizing as a non-profit. The organization formally took on the name of "Cycling Museum of Minnesota." The museum was incorporated on July 1, 2014 at which point the initial board of directors was formed.
In July, the Cycling Museum of Minnesota previewed its vision with two events and a "pop-up" exhibit including Juston's bikes as well as other cycles and items borrowed from local collectors that represented Minnesota's cycling history and community. The "Let's Get Rolling" fundraiser and subsequent Open House on July 24 and 27 attracted 980 attendees and raised seed money of over $6,000.
In January 2015, CMM was organized as a 501 (c) (3) not-for-profit corporation. CMM receives funding from individuals and institutions, and events, grants, sponsorships, and memberships are important sources of revenue.
In January 2016, CMM moved into 'The Vault' our new collections storage space, located on the campus of St. Marks Cathedral, 519 Oak Grove St. Minneapolis, MN
In June 2022, CMM moved into exhibit space at Quality Bike Products corporate offices, 6400 West 105th St., Bloomington, MN
Juston Anderson, Brent Fuqua and Seth Stattmiller, founding members of the Cycling Museum of Minnesota. Photo Credit: Brian Fanelli.
What We've Achieved
Dec. 2013 - CMM founders convene first meeting of a group of interested people.
Jan. 2014 - Steering Committee is formed.
Feb. 2014 - Organizational Mission and Vision statements drafted. Cycling Museum of Minnesota chosen as name.
April 2014 - Northeast Community Development Corporation becomes fiscal agent for CMM.
July 2014 - CMM officially incorporates. Holds events drawing over 900 attendees. Features first exhibit. Receives first major donation of $3,000 from Jamie McDonald.
Sept. 2014 - Secured our first grant, of $14,072 from the Minnesota Historical Society for collections management.
Dec. 2014 - Welcomed five new members on to Board of Directors.
Jan. 2015 - Secured 501(c)(3) status.
April 2015 - Approved collections policy.
January 2016 - Moved to The Vault, our collections storage space on the campus of St. Marks Cathedral in Minneapolis.
Connects with Minnesota BMX experts and collectors to create a pop-up exhibit at the RAD! bike party and fundraiser
Launch annual SpokesPeople; a speaker series that highlights local bike-notables and gives them a space to tell their stories
Pilots Bring Your Old Bike Rally & Ride event; a family-friendly afternoon for vintage bike aficionados and first-timers alike (now in its third year)
Participates in Northern Spark with Interactive Art Installation,“Spoken Word”
Commissions photographs from local artist for our exhibit“LifeCYCLE: Stories from the Minnesota Bike Community”
LifeCYCLE Exhibit extends due to popular demand
Implements a CRM system to better communication with supporters + volunteers
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, our SpokesPeople and Bring Your Old Bike events were postponed. We strove to communicate with our CMM friends through our web site and social media pages.
Art In Motion and Cycling Museum of Minnesota partnered in two events. From July to September AIM displayed our LifeCycle exhibit.
Art In Motion displayed five vintage bicycles from our collection during LifeCycle display.
July, AIM and CMM sponsored Retro Ride 2021, a vintage bike show and family bike ride on the Lake Wobegon Trail in Holdingford, Minnesota.
June, CMM bicycle collection moved from St. Mark’s Cathedral in Minneapolis to Quality Bike Products corporate offices in Bloomington.
July, Art In Motion and CMM sponsored a vintage bike show and family bike ride on the Lake Wobegon Trail in Holdingford, Minnesota. CMM also displayed four classic bicycles at AIM.
June, CMM created an exhibit of 1980’s mountain bikes at Loppet Foundation’s The Trailhead at Theodore Wirth Park in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Display contains examples of vintage early mountain bike designs and components.
June, CMM collection moved from Quality Bike Products space into storage.
“The CMM celebrates how cycling has shaped our culture and communities and provides us with tools to transform the future.”